Sometimes in your career, you will come across having to work with people you don’t like. So, how do you work with them? Admittedly, it is a huge challenge for many people, but it is a fact of working life. No matter how much we do not like it, the interactions are crucial to get work done.
Many newbies and veterans alike are caught asking this question day-in and day-out at work – how do I work with people I don’t like? Should I force myself to do it? Pretend I like them? Do I really leave my values at home when I go to work?
The answer is – no, you do not have to. Of course the remedy may not be easy. It will entail you having to step out of your ego for a while to see what is truly happening and to give you clarity of the situation. That stepping out of your own ego is the toughest to do. But it is a worthwhile step. When you are able to do it, it feels like a huge stone is lifted off your heart. How to work with people you don’t like? Try these 3 steps individually or in combination.
答案是——不, 你不需要那么做。當然, 解決辦法不那么簡單。你必須暫時放下自尊,看看到底發(fā)生了什么, 以便讓自己認清形勢。放下自尊是一件最艱難的事情,但同時也是值得嘗試的一個舉措。當你能夠放下自尊,你會覺得心里像是搬走一塊巨石。如何與你不喜歡的人共事呢?將以下三種方法分別嘗試一下或組合在一起試試吧。
To engage in this case means to communicate with them. Step out of your own ego to get yourself to sincerely talk to them. You may be pleasantly surprised that the other person wants to talk too. To engage also means not to hold any grudges against the other person. Face the issue with the other party and discuss whatever challenges you may have candidly. Say what you mean politely. You can be stern but do not be rude. The important thing about how to work with people you don’t like is to be sincere about it.
吸引注意在這種情況下意味著與他們交流。你要放下自尊,真誠地與他們交談。很可能你會喜悅地發(fā)現(xiàn)別人也想與你聊天。吸引注意同時還意味著你不能抱有怨恨他人的想法。與對方一起直面這個問題,坦率地討論你可能懷有的質(zhì)疑,婉轉(zhuǎn)地說出你想表達的意思。你可以嚴肅, 但絕不可以粗魯。與不喜歡的人共事,重要的一點是態(tài)度要真誠。
When you are sincere, you are seeking a win-win situation. Think about this, when you engage this person, being sincere is also a transfer of feelings, which means you want the other person to know that you genuinely want to settle any animosity you have with each other. It helps you in the long run too.
當你的態(tài)度真誠時,你是在尋求一種雙贏的局面。想想看, 當你吸引了這個人的注意時,真誠也會讓你的態(tài)度感染對方。它意味著你想讓對方知道你真的想消除你們之間存在的任何敵意。這個方法從長遠來看也是有利于你的。