Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey, On Revisiting the Banks of the Wye during a Tour. July 13, 1798 By William Wordsworth
※ 題解: 此詩標(biāo)題甚長,胡家?guī)n翻譯為“丁登寺賦”,副題題為“重游懷河河谷后賦于丁登寺數(shù)英里處,1798年7月13日”,堪得神旨。(此處,Line即詩、詩行的意思。compose=write, “賦”之一字,頗具古意,中西合璧,相得相彰。) 華茲華斯的作品最顯赫也最富有激蕩人心的詩性力量的地方在于他對大自然飽含深情的詠贊,他是“謳歌自然的詩人”(雪萊)。但詩人絕不止于描述自然的景色和觀感,其根本的用意在于揭示大自然給人的心靈帶來良善和純凈的精神力量。他以敏感的情思和豐富的想象來體會并且禮贊大自然對孤苦無告的現(xiàn)代生命的安慰和拯救,并在此飽含了他對自然與上帝、自然與童年、自然與人生和諧同一的哲性思考,《丁登寺》這首詩可以作為他將這一境界抒發(fā)升華到美的極致的代表。這首詩收入《抒情歌謠集》的最后一首,堪稱壓卷之作。詩人自述,“我的詩中,可數(shù)這一首詩的情況回憶起來最為愉快”。詩人鄭重地記下寫作此詩的具體年月日,仿若帶有某種莊重的儀式感,“在我們的生命中有若干個凝固的時間點/卓越超群,瑰偉壯麗/讓我們在困頓之時為之一振”?!抖〉撬隆匪銓懙呐c大自然的體驗就是詩人生命中的一個“凝固的時間點”。全詩共5段,就主題而言,構(gòu)成了abcba的模式。
Five years have past; five summers, with the length (注1:five,三次重復(fù),凸顯歲月漫長,尤其顯示此間法國大革命之際作者所經(jīng)歷的思想風(fēng)暴及其消逝。)
Of five long winters! and again I hear
(注2: again,,在第2,4,9,14行,凡四見,將過去與現(xiàn)在融匯與懷河河谷,將自然的穩(wěn)定性與自身的變化加以對照。)
These waters, rolling from their mountain-springs With a soft inland murmur.—Once again (注3: soft inland murmur,柔和的內(nèi)河潺潺低語 )
Do I behold these steep and lofty cliffs, (注4: behold,文學(xué)用法,=to see or to look at sth. Steep,陡峭的;Loft,高聳的; cliffs,懸崖。)
That on a wild secluded scene impress(=stamp) Thoughts of more deep seclusion; and connect (注5: 此二行表明:猶如崇山峻嶺印在偏僻荒野的自然景色之上,思想印在更為幽深的頭腦里,暗示人--小宇宙與自然--大宇宙的對應(yīng)。)
The landscape with the quiet of the sky. The day is come when I again repose(=rest) Here, under this dark sycamore, and view (注6: dark=with thick foliage枝繁葉茂, sycamore【歐洲的】桐葉槭。)
These plots of cottage-ground, these orchard-tufts, (注7: 村舍密布的田野,簇生的果樹園,orchard-tufts=clusters of fruit trees,簇生的果樹園。)
Which at this season, with their unripe(未成熟的) fruits, Are clad(=closed) in one green hue(=color,【literary】), and lose themselves (注8: 此處為以物觀物,未著己之色彩。Green一詞在第1段凡兩見。)
'Mid(=amid, prep.在其間;在其中) groves and copses. Once again I see These hedge-rows(籬笆), hardly hedge-rows, little lines Of sportive(=playful,調(diào)皮的)wood run wild: these pastoral farms, Green to the very door; and wreaths of smoke Sent up, in silence, from among the trees! (注9: 在這兩行詩歌中,s音的5次重復(fù)加強(qiáng)了炊煙從林中裊裊升起的聲音效果,也襯托出此處的寂靜。)
With some uncertain notice, as might seem (注10: notice=information,intimation,前面以uncertain修飾之,是因為周圍似乎沒人,詩人對炊煙來源不敢斷定。)
Of vagrant dwellers in the houseless woods, 20
Or of some Hermit's cave, where by his fire The Hermit sits alone. (注11: 自第1行至第22【前半】行為序詩,描寫懷河的景色,確認(rèn)了第2段較早的一次訪問中對懷河的回憶。其中每提及一個事物都把它和另一個事物聯(lián)系起來。這樣,五年前和現(xiàn)在的兩個時刻就被系于同一地點。)