The other day I experiencedmy first real Paida ’first aid’.I was going out and I noticed agirl, kneeling down with her hand covering her stomach, lookinglike she was in deep pain. A security guard noticed this too andwas walking towards her to see what was happening. I, too, went upto her, helped her leaned against me, and asked if she needed help.She said her period was coming, and she felt very painful, wantedto puke but couldn’t. I held onto her and asked the security guardto give her a chair so she could sit down.Seeing her face and lipsturning white, I asked her "Can I do Paida for you?" By thatmoment, she couldn’t speak anymore and could just nod slightly. So I started Paida her Nei Guan (herwrist). She didn’t react much to the Paida and just had her fistheld tight and whispered lightly that she felt very cold. A ladysecurity guard came and held the girl’s head and held onto her bodyas the girl didn’t have any strength to even sitting upright. And Ijust kept slapping her wrist. After about 10 slaps, the girlsuddenly opened her eyes and said "so painful", and I said " beingpainful is good, you wake up now"!
At that point, people startedgathering around her, some tried to give her ailment oil to thenose, some tried pressing her Ren Zhong (the acupoint below thenose), some tried giving her water. I said loudly "you cannot giveher water, she’ll choke". At the same time some people started tostop me from slapping the girl, saying “you’ll break her bloodvessels”. I didn’t stop, and just kept slapping her wrist, untilshe woke up again, saying the slapping was painful and pulled herwrist away from me. But after the slapping stopped, the girlfainted away again. So I started slapping her wrist again, amongstnoises around me kept saying "don’t slap, you’ll slap her todeath". I didn’t stop and just kept slapping.
But thedoubtful mass atmosphere was strong, and someone started to try andpush me away from the girl, so I could only slap her with about 30%of the force of my usual slapping. Her wrist started to turn red,and spots of black Sha began to surface. At this point, the girlwoke up again saying "pain!", and I again said "pain is good, youwoke up!" She again pulled her wrist away from me. And others alsosaid "stop slapping her, she woke up now. You’ll break her bloodvessels." And I stopped for a bit. After this slapping- stopping-slapping- stopping went on for about three, four times, theambulance came, and the girl could speak very lightly with her eyesclosed, so I stopped the slapping.The girl whispered "thank you" tome as she was being rolled up into theambulance...
After about 20 minutes I cameback home after I finished my chores, I saw the ambulance was stillthere, with the emergency siren lights turned off. I wondered ifthe girl was really recovering and the emergency care givers wereobserving whether she needed to be sent tohospital.
My previousPaida first-aid experience include, seeing how coaches at theworkshop did it when I was a workshop participant, half-helped outat another workshop when I was a volunteer, having read MasterXiao’s first aid guide and read most of Master Xiao’s blogs andothers’ testimonials on first aid, and having applied Paida firstaid to my husband when he experienced healing crisis feeling dizzyand wanting to puke. But having applied Paida first aid like thisto a stranger on the street was my first time. Maybe God wastesting to see if I really had the courage and the confidence inPaidaLajin.
Had I thefear of mishap might happen to the girl and then I would get theblame? Honestly, the thought of - whether I should get involved inthat - did come up, but that thought only came up for a very briefmoment. At the time, I only followed my intuition and didn’t havetime to think too much. At the time, the feeling of - I could notignore her - was very strong and it superceded everything. Thinkingabout it now again, my ’rational’ decision is, I will still do it.I firmly believe, if what I do is truly, genuinely the right thingto do, and I do it with a good heart, God will protectme.
God will bless all those witha good heart.
Hong Kong