Bill Mollison 在《Introduction to Permaculture》里的自序
Until I was about 28, I lived in a sort of dream. I spent most of my time in the bush or on the sea. I fished, Ihunted for my living. It wasn’t until the 1950s that I noticed large parts ofthe system in which I lived were disappearing. Fish stocks started to collapse.Seaweed around the shorelines had thinned out. Large patches of the forestbegan to die. I hadn’t realised until then that I had become very fond of them,that I was in love with my country.
After many years as a scientistwith the CSIRO Wildlife Survey Section and with the Tasmanian Inland FisheriesDepartment, I began to protest against the political and industrial systems Isaw were killing us and the world around us. But I soon decided that it was nogood persisting with opposition that in the end achieved nothing. I withdrewfrom society for two years; I did not want to oppose anything ever again andwaste my time. I wanted to come back only with something very positive,something that would allow us all to exist without the wholesale collapse ofbiological systems.
In 1968 I began teaching at the Universityof Tasmania, and in 1974, David Holmgren and I jointly evolved a framework fora sustainable agricultural system based on a multi-crop of perennial trees,shrubs, herbs (vegetables and weeds), fungi, and root systems, for which Icoined the word “permaculture”. We spent a lot of time working out theprinciples of permaculture and building a species-rich garden. This culminated,in 1978, in the publication of Permacultureone.
Public reaction to permaculturewas mixed. The professional community was outraged, because we were combiningarchitecture with biology, agriculture with forestry, and forestry with animalhusbandry, so that almost everybody who considered themselves to be aspecialist felt a bit offended. But the popular response was very different.Many people had been thinking along the same lines. They were dissatisfied withagriculture as it is now practiced, and were looking towards more natural,ecological systems.
As I saw permaculture in the1970s, it was a beneficial assembly of plants and animals in relation to humansettlements, mostly aimed towards household and community self-reliance, andperhaps as a “commercial endeavor” only arising from a surplus from thatsystem.
However, permaculture has come tomean more than just food-sufficiency in the household. Self-reliance in food ismeaningless unless people have access to land, information, and financialresources. So in recent years it has come to encompass appropriate legal andfinancial strategies, including strategies for land access, business structures,and regional self-financing. This way it is a whole human system.
By 1976, I was lecturing onpermaculture, and in 1979 I resigned from my teaching position and threw myselfat an advanced age into an uncertain future. I decided to do nothing else butto try to persuade people to build good biological systems. I designed quite afew properties, and existed for a while by catching fish and pulling potatoes.In 1981 the first graduates of a standard permaculture design course alsostarted to design permaculture systems in Australia.
Today there are over 300,000 suchgraduates throughout the world, all involved in some aspect of environmentaland social work.
Bill Mollison