It’s sunny/cloudy/windy/rainy/stormy/raining/
snowing/lightning/ thunder showering.
It is raining cats and dogs. (下傾盆大雨)
fair (adj.)晴朗的
cloudy (adj.)陰天的,多云的
sunny skies (adj.)晴朗的
clear skies (adj.)晴朗的
brief showers/brief rain 短暫雨
torrential rains 豪大雨
thundershower 雷陣雨
partly cloudy skies with brief rain 晴時多云短暫雨
mostly cloudy skies with brief rain 多云短暫雨
weather forecast 氣象預報
Central Weather Bureau 中央氣象局
prediction (n.)預測
call (n.)預測,預報
temperature (n.)溫度
high (n.)(氣溫的)最高點
low (n.)(氣溫的)最低點
1. 開場白
(1) Taking a look at the weather forecast for today…..
(2) Let’s take a look at the weather.
(3) Let’s take a look at the weather forecast for today.
(4) Looking now at the weather forecast…
(5) Taking a look at tomorrow’s weather….
2. 播報天氣
(1) Mostly cloudy skies with brief showers islandwide today.
(2) Partly cloudy skies with brief showers in the north.
Mostly fair in the center and south.
(3) Mostly fair conditions in the rest of Taiwan. For tomorrow,
partly cloudy skies in the north and mostly fair in the center and south.
(4) The skies are nice right now in Taipei,
but the call is for some brief rain in the north.
3. 氣溫變化預測:
(1) Expect a high today of 28 in the north,
30 in the center and 31 in the south.
(2) Expect mostly fair skies islandwide with temperatures
climbing slightly to 18 in the north, 19 in the center and 21 in the south.
4. 目前氣溫:
(1) Right now it’s 26 in Kaohsiung and Taichung and 25 in Taipei.
(2) As for the temperatures right now, in Kaohsiung, it’s 16;
in Taichung, it’s 14; and here in Taipei, it’s 13.
(3) Highs of 29 in the north, 30 in the center and 31 in the south.
(4) Current temperatures, 27 in Taipei, 25 in Taichung and 26 in the south.
Today is sunny to cloudy
rainy(小雨) 大一點 (rain,或者 rainning)大雨(strom)
雪 snow 小雪 好像是 soft snow 還是什么的忘了
風 是wind 大風 臺風 strom 也行
Clear = 晴朗
Cloudy = 多云
Fair = 晴
Fog = 霧
Hail = 冰雹
Heavy Rain = 大雨
Heavy Snow = 大雪
Light Snow = 小雪
Lightening = 雷電
Mist = 薄霧
Rain = 雨
Rain Shower = 陣雨
Showers = 陣雨
Smoke = 煙霧
Snow = 雪
Snow Shower = 陣雪
Sunny = 陽光
Windy = 有風
snow 雪
thunder 雷
wind 風
mist 霧
downpour, shower 暴雨
storm, tempest 暴風雨
breeze 微風晴 fine/fair/sunny
多云 cloudy
陰 overcast
毛毛雨 drizzle
小雨 light rain
中雨 moderate rain
大雨 heavy rain
陣雨 shower
雷陣雨 thundershower
雨夾雪 sleet
有雪 snowy
霜凍 frosty
冰雹 hail
有風 windy
臺風 typhoon
有霧 foggy
sunny晴天 cloudy多云 overcast陰天 light rain 小雨
moderate rain 中雨 heavy rain 大雨 moderate snow中雪
heavy snow 大雪 light snow 小雪 rainstorm暴雨
thunderstorm雷雨 fog霧 frost霜凍 sleet 雨夾雪
typhoon臺風 sandstorm 沙塵暴
Wind direction風向
Wind force 風力
Lowest temperature最低氣溫(℃)
Highest temperature最高氣溫(℃)
AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴
AM Showers=上午陣雨
AM Snow Showers=上午陣雪
AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨
Cloudy / Wind=陰時有風
Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚轉(zhuǎn)晴
Drifting Snow=飄雪
Few Showers=短暫陣雨
Few Snow Showers=短暫陣雪
Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暫陣雪時有風
Heavy Rain=大雨
Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨
Heavy Snow=大雪
Heavy T-Storm=強烈雷雨
Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨
Light Drizzle=微雨
Light Rain=小雨
Light Rain Shower=小陣雨
Light Rain Shower and Windy=小陣雨帶風
Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷聲
Light Snow=小雪
Light Snow Fall=小降雪
Light Snow Grains=小粒雪
Light Snow Shower=小陣雪
Mostly Clear=大部晴朗
Mostly Cloudy=大部多云
Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云時陰有風
Mostly Sunny=晴時多云
Partly Cloudy=局部多云
Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云時有風
PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨時有風
PM Light Rain=下午小雨
PM Showers=下午陣雨
PM Snow Showers=下午陣雪
PM T-Storms=下午雷雨
Rain Shower=陣雨
Rain Shower/ Windy=陣雨/有風
Rain / Snow Showers=雨或陣雪
Rain / Snow Showers Early=下雨/早間陣雪
Rain / Wind=雨時有風
Rain and Snow=雨夾雪
Scattered Showers=零星陣雨
Scattered Showers / Wind=零星陣雨時有風
Scattered Snow Showers=零星陣雪
Scattered Snow Showers / Wind=零星陣雪時有風
Scattered Strong Storms=零星強烈暴風雨
Scattered T-Storms=零星雷雨
Showers Early=早有陣雨
Showers Late=晚有陣雨
Showers / Wind=陣雨時有風
Showers in the Vicinity=周圍有陣雨
Snow / Rain Icy Mix=冰雨夾雪
Snow and Fog=霧夾雪
Snow Shower=陣雪
Sunny / Wind=晴時有風
Sunny Day=晴天