850基本詞匯列表
學習英語需要學習和背誦多少單詞詞匯合適呢?理論上自然是多多益善,但是事實上心急吃不了熱豆腐,人無法一口吃成個胖子。所以從最基礎(chǔ)的,最常用的詞匯開始背誦,才是正道。
下面列表中的850個最基本詞匯,是英語中最常使用的英語基礎(chǔ)單詞。在日常生活和日常用語中最經(jīng)常用的基礎(chǔ)詞匯,要想學習英語,首先檢查自己是否完全掌握了這些單詞的拼寫和發(fā)音,以及詞義。如果沒有掌握,那么就需要抓緊時間背誦和學習了。
下面包含了850個最基本詞匯,使用“Ab英語單詞通-復讀機”軟件可以打開,在軟件左邊的詞匯列表上方的工具條上,有個“打開詞匯文件”按鈕,點擊后選擇“850個最基本詞匯”文件,就可以同時聽說讀寫初中單詞了,聽說讀寫同步學單詞,用兩三個月跟讀,記憶,背誦這些單詞后,英語考試成績可以得到明顯提高,學習英語再也不會感覺到吃力了。
“Ab英語單詞通-復讀機”軟件下載地址:
http://www.onlinedown.net/soft/39023.htm
http://www.skycn.com/soft/22241.html
a
able
about
account
acid
across
act
addition
adjustment
advertisement
after
again
against
agreement
air
all
almost
among
amount
amusement
and
angle
angry
animal
answer
ant
any
apparatus
apple
approval
arch
argument
arm
army
art
as
at
attack
attempt
attention
attraction
authority
automatic
awake
baby
back
bad
bag
balance
ball
band
base
basin
basket
bath
be
beautiful
because
bed
bee
before
behavior
belief
bell
bent
berry
between
bird
birth
bit
bite
bitter
black
blade
blood
blow
blue
board
boat
body
boiling
bone
book
boot
bottle
box
boy
brain
brake
branch
brass
bread
breath
brick
bridge
bright
broken
brother
brown
brush
bucket
building
bulb
burn
burst
business
but
butter
button
by
cake
camera
canvas
card
care
carriage
cart
cat
cause
certain
chain
chalk
chance
change
cheap
cheese
chemical
chess
chief
chin
church
circle
clean
clear
clock
cloth
cloud
coal
coat
cold
collar
color
comb
come
comfort
committee
common
company
comparison
competition
complete
complex
condition
connection
conscious
control
cook
copper
copy
cork
cough
country
cover
cow
crack
credit
crime
cruel
crush
cry
cup
current
curtain
curve
cushion
cut
damage
danger
dark
daughter
day
dead
dear
death
debt
decision
deep
degree
delicate
dependent
design
desire
destruction
detail
development
different
digestion
direction
dirty
discovery
discussion
disease
disgust
distance
distribution
division
do
dog
door
doubt
down
drain
drawer
dress
drink
driving
drop
dry
dust
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