1. 親愛的,你出現(xiàn)在我沙漠中綠洲般的生命,就像朝霞輕撫沙丘,給我希望。My love, you come into my life like an oasis in desert, the dawn caressing sand dunes, bringing me hope.
2. 我們的故事交織成樂章,譜寫出心間共鳴的交響樂。你的聲音是這屬于我們的歌中最寶貴的樂器。Our stories intertwine like melodies, composing a beautiful symphony resonating in my heart. Your voice is the most precious instrument completing this song of us.
3. 在我心靈的天際,你是最亮眼的星辰,你的光芒洗滌我的迷惘,指引我前行。At the horizon of my soul, you're the brightest star, your radiance washes away my confusion, guiding me onward.
4. 當你用溫暖的目光凝視我時,我感受到你無聲的理解,這對我來說,勝過千言萬語。When you look at me warmly, I feel your silent understanding, which to me, surpasses thousands of words.
5. 我們日日扶持成長,你激勵我勇于實踐理想,我也衷心祈盼成為你堅定的后盾。讓我們攜手并進,見證彼此夢想的山巔。We support each other's growth daily. You encourage me to brave pursuing dreams. I sincerely hope to be your unwavering support. Let's progress hand in hand and witness the mountain peak of each other's dreams.
6. 親愛的,天意安排我們相遇相知,我感激上天把你這個天使贈與我。我們之間這特殊的緣分我將永生銘記。My dear, it's heaven's will for us to meet and know each other. I'm grateful heaven gifted me you, an angel. This special bond between us I will engrave in my heart forever.
7. 在夜深人靜時,我夢自己化作微風,輕撫你的面龐,拂過你秀發(fā),陪伴在你甜美的睡夢里。In the tranquility of night, I dreamt I became a gentle breeze, caressing your cheeks, brushing your hair, accompanying your sweet dreams.
8. 對你的思念有時輕柔如流水,有時激蕩如波浪,但終會回到你這里,成為我們相擁的海洋。My longing is sometimes as gentle as flowing water, sometimes as rolling waves, but will come back to you eventually, becoming the sea that we embrace.
9. 讓我與你十指緊扣,攜手漫步時光長廊,細數(shù)日月變遷,銘記我們的點滴記憶,直至長鬢斑白。Let our fingers interlock tightly as we stroll down the corridor of time, counting the changing suns and moons, engraving every memory of ours, until our hairs turn white.
10. 有你做我避風港,我們心手相連,德潮亦可,歲月靜好,攜手繪就我們幸福的畫卷。With you as my shelter from storms, our hearts connected and hands held, we can weather tides, and paint a canvas of our blissful life in tranquil years.