1.在茫茫人海,我的眼中只有你,在時間的長河中,我的心中只有你。In the vast sea of humanity, there are only you in my eyes. In the long river of time, there is only you in my heart.
2.愛你就像愛一顆永不凋謝的玫瑰,花瓣輕柔,芳香撲鼻,令我醉芬芳。Loving you is like loving a rose that will never wither, with soft petals and fragrance, intoxicating me.
3.生命之燈因你而亮,心之理由你而快,思緒之舟因你而行。The lamp of life lights up because of you. The heart beats fast because of you. The boat of thoughts sails because of you.
4.我用我的真心向你獻出我的所有,就如同朝露向太陽獻出清亮。I offer you all of my heart, just as the morning dew offers its clarity to the sun.
5.我目送你的背影,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)我的靈魂隨之離去。我凝視著你的雙眼,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)我的心為之落入陷阱。I watch your back, but find that my soul has gone away with it. I gaze into your eyes, but find that my heart has fallen into the trap.
6.我生命中的四季,因為有了你,變成了仲夏。The four seasons of my life have turned into midsummer because of you.
7.倘若一天我無法觸碰你的雙手,那么那一天便不再完整。If one day I cannot touch your hands, then that day is no longer complete.
8.我的心已化作一道束帶,將我們緊緊地系牢,生生世世不解之緣。My heart has turned into a sash, tying us tightly together, destiny that will last lifetime after lifetime.
9.相愛便是兩雙心,在這世界的人潮中,奇跡般地找到了對方。To fall in love is two hearts finding each other miraculously in the sea of humanity .