



enrich: make better or richer or improve in quality,富裕,豐富,充實

The judgment is a historic moment for one of the world’s poorest countries. Income per person is just $389 a year according to the World Bank, a quarter of the amount in neighbouring Zambia. The flawed democracy that replaced the one-man rule of Hastings Banda has done much to enrich an elite, but little to lift the vast majority out of poverty. The hope is that the court’s verdict ushers in a new era in which politicians must govern well rather than cheat to stay in power.



Health professionals will need to embrace new technologies, if only because they are inevitable, Dr Kearney adds. And health systems will need to adapt to the torrent of data. As for the broader impact of the Apple Watch, Dr Mant concludes it is “paradigm-shifting. I just don’t know if it is going to be in a good way or a bad way.”


The problem, says Rodney Brooks, an Australian roboticist who has long been sceptical of grand self-driving promises, is deep-learning approaches are fundamentally statistical, linking inputs to outputs in ways specified by their training data. That leaves them unable to cope with what engineers call “edge cases”—unusual circumstances that are not common in those training data. Driving is full of such oddities. Some are dramatic: an escaped horse in the road, say, or a light aircraft making an emergency landing on a highway (as happened in Canada in April). Most are trivial, such as a man running out in a chicken suit. Human drivers usually deal with them without thinking. But machines struggle.


Discipline was also the core of his private life, especially at Chitral. A tot of whisky only on Saturday evenings. Baked beans on toast for supper, and travel down the steep zigzagging roads in an open lorry like everyone else. A shabby book-filled bungalow to live in, on pay of £50 a week. With the magical peaks all round him, he did not want more. He never had, finding his own happiness wherever he ended up. Until his army days, which started when he signed up, instantly, in 1939, he was a solitary boy. At 12 he had been orphaned. He set his own rules then and a motto, “Be good, do good”, to live by. As a master he was firm but kind, and did not often raise his voice to parade-ground volume. He hectored only when approaching leaders for money for his schools, baldly telling Benazir Bhutto, Pervez Musharraf or Nawaz Sharif: “Now, what I want from you is a million rupees.” Mr Musharraf gave him 50m, about $14,000: the basis of an endowment for Chitral that might have worked better if so many ragged pupils had not been let off the fees.

說某個人很自律:he is very disciplined


它的本意是 declaration made about the future, about some act to be done or not done

To harness the promise and minimise the peril, it pays to learn the lessons of the past.

Will Boris Johnson keep his promise to reform social care?

Nixon’s inflation helped inform modern ideas of central-bank independence. In 1977 Finn Kydland and Edward Prescott, who won the Nobel prize together in 2004, published a seminal paper on the problem of “time inconsistency”. Governments can promise to keep inflation low, they argued, but that promise becomes harder to keep as time goes on. Once the public expects low inflation, there are political advantages to generating a burst of higher-than-anticipated price growth, which reduces the real (inflation-adjusted) value of debt and generates a short-run increase in real incomes and output. As governments succumb to the temptation to inflate, expectations adjust and the inflation rate needed to surprise the public rises ever higher. In the absence of a mechanism to keep inflation low, prices accelerate. Along with policy rules and inflation targets, central-bank independence became one of the ways governments’ promise not to inflate were made credible. `

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