The Vampire Diaries executive producer Kevin Williamson wants tomake something clear: Damon and Elena’s growing closeness in the absenceof Stefan won’t necessarily lead where viewers think it will thiscoming season。
“Just because we’re putting her with Damon doesn’t mean they’regoing to end up together. ” Williamson told TVLine at the TelevisionCritics Association Summer Press Tour, when we pressed him about howanxious he plans to make Elena/Stefan fans。
While Damon and Elena will “bond” as they search for Stefan — theirjourney will be “more about friendship” than romance, says Williamson。
“It’s not so much about, ‘Are Damon and Elena going to fall madlyin love and live happily ever after?’” says Williamson. “It’s, ‘AreDamon and Elena going to be able to find the man they both love?’ … It’sgoing to be fun to watch Damon and Elena form this relationship that atits core is about a search for the man they both care about?!?/p>
“Damon is not good at being a hero, so I can’t imagine he’s evergoing to do it right,” observes Williamson, adding, “It’s always go tobe one step forward, two steps back. ‘OK, so I’m the hero — I’m going tokill three people.’ And that is not OK with Elena?!?/p>
The Vampire Diaries returns Sept. 15 at 8/7c on The CW。