作 者:董宏亮
導(dǎo) 讀:
Why clean hands are important– Doctors andnurses care for many sick people each day, often touching patients and theirsurroundings. While providing this much-needed care, they risk spreading germsto you if they did not clean their hands!
What do we mean by “infections” – Aninfection you catch while receiving health care, through the transmission ofyour own or another patient’s germs, is called a health care-associated infection.They are a major global patient safety concern.
Hand hygiene is the simplest, mosteffective way to reduce the chance of catching these infections. Thoughcleaning hands in easy, health-care workers might forget or be too busy to dothis.
How you can help – Your participationstarts by gathering information about this problem and hand hygiene bestpractices. You and your families may also help remind health-care workers notto touch your skin and critical sites (e.g. your catheters) if their hands havenot been cleaned yet.
Simply asking or thanking your doctor,nurse, or other health-care workers to clean his or her hands before touchingyou, can help you avoid a health care-associated infection.
These tips will help you understand how toparticipate in hand hygiene improvement while receiving care.
There are 4 main things you and/or yourfamily can do:
1. Ask if an initiative involving patients or a patient participationprogramme exists. If yes, ask whether there is a leaflet or information sheetabout it and express your interest in participating.
2. Don’t be afraid to ask about handhygiene practices in the facility. While health-care workers make everypossible effort to provide you with the best care, you have the right to askfor information and to check if best practices are in place. This cansignificantly help improve health-care delivery.
3. Observe if alcohol-based handrubdispensers, as well as sinks, soap and towels are available in your room or ifhealth-care workers carry pocket bottles.If not, gently ask why hand hygieneproducts are not available and possibly ask for a small bottle of alcohol-basedhandrub product to keep by your bed.
4. If hand hygiene products are available, start by thanking your doctor,nurse, or other health-care workerwhen you see them cleaning their hands beforetouching you or any critical site (e.g. catheter, wound dressing, drainagetube).
The following highlights will help youunderstand the right moment and the right way to remind your doctor, nurse, orother health-care worker about hand hygiene:
Doctors, nurses and any other health-careworker (such as technicians and assistants) who touch you. Your relatives andvisitors should also clean their hands upon arrival, especially before touchingyou, and then before leaving too.
When a health-care worker enters thezone/area where you receive care (near your bed, for example), before theytouch you or any critical site (e.g. catheter, wound dressing, drainage tube),you can ask them to clean their hands with an alcohol-based handrub. Or, youcan thank them in advance, as they approach you, as a polite reminder.
The five important times you should remindhealth-care workers about hand hygiene:
1. Before anyone touches you
1. 任何人接觸您之前;
2. Before health-care workers perform a clean/aseptic procedure, such asinserting an IV (intravenous catheter)
3. Aftertasks which might lead to exposure to body fluids, such as emptying yoururinary catheter
3. 在可能導(dǎo)致暴露在您的體液的操作之后,如排空你的導(dǎo)尿管時(shí)。
4. After anyone touches you
4. 任何人接觸您之后;
5. After anyone touches things in your care area, such as bedrails or yourmedical chart.
Wherever health care takes place, whetherin a hospital, clinic, or doctor’s office.
Reminding and thanking are positiveinteractions and your health-care provider will understand your positiveintentions to avoid an infection. Keep it simple, and do it often!
· “Thank you for your hand hygiene action.”
· “Did you clean your hands?”
· “Did I remind you about hand hygiene?”