Animated cartoon to help you memorize, once and for life, a few basic character parts, which many people confuse!Remembering Chinese Characters is quick and easy if you know the parts of the character. Whether you are a beginner, an intermediate or an advanced student, you'll find many radicals are similar to each other. How to differentiate between them? You can watch my cartoon series that aims to do just that. For other characters check out the following free resources where you can see character parts along with translations. Whatever you do, don't read on as it will be for youtube algorythms so my vid shows up in search. I therefore mention Cantonese and Japanese, and Beijing and Guangdong and even Shanxi and Chinese calligraphy for beginners, aka free lessons classes and learning Asian culture. Is there an alphabet in Mandain? China, simplified. How do you write Chinese characters, what is the meaning of 214 Kangxi radicals and Kanji in China, all while history of writing. And learning Chinese by yourself, super easy lesson Chinese for starters, while also advanced Mandarin strokes order, not to mention Mandarin Characters, pinyin or zhuyin. Enjoy your day, I love you all.If it was useful, Subscribe.