Many men and women,young people, young menand women who are here. By intent.Crippled themselves.By not earning anything,includingme.
So we live on this.But people make theoffering and we receive it as it is and eat it in there.It's doing well.Do notunderestimate the significance of this.Because it takes a lot of courage.For aman to give up the ability to earn his own food.It takes a lot of courage.That.There'snothing to say is mine,but. Still,you walk like a king.It takes a lot.For that,youmust find something far more precious.than this is mine.that is mine kind ofbusiness.something far more precious within yourself.
So I'm intentionally using this word.Thatyoung men and women,including myself,all my life,how consciously crippledourselves from our ability to earn food.These young men and women who are herewho are not incapable of earning their food.Definitely not,they can make aliving just about anywhere.I can make a living just about anywhere,All right,butconsciously.we have given up the privilege and want to live in people's offeringbecause our lives are dedicated not towards survival process.We don't want ourtime and energy to go away in our own survival.
To people have been gracious enough.wonderfulenough that they've been taking care of this by offering a handful of rice.Weare all grateful for that!