6. Know that skin and hair care are really important. Don't forget it. Make sure to always clean your skin, take a shower everyday and get rid of pimples. Wash your hair twice a week and make sure it really smells good.
7.Pamper yourself. Take a bubble bath, splurge on a new perfume or outfit, get a manicure. If you set aside some time out of your busy week to do these things, you will feel good, and when you feel good, you feel more confident.
8.Let yourself know how beautiful you are. Stop in front of the mirror and smile, see how good you look with your new clothes and nice skin and hair, tell you how pretty you look, how smart and good-looking you are. Look at photos of yourself. Often this will give you a kinder perception of the person you really are.
9.Don't try to be someone you're not; be your own beauty.
10.Having "inner beauty" is just as important as being outwardly beautiful. Being beautiful on the inside will show you are a very special girl not worth losing.