Before I begin writing another novel, I should like to find a new method of narration, a form that would excite me. Not because I
write so much but probably because I read so much fiction, I am tired of the
usual form of the novel. The ordinary
devices of the narrator now seem horribly tedious. I think that is one reason why I have
recently taken to writing plays: it is a pleasant change to get rid of
It might be fun to go in the opposition direction, producing novels that were completely objective in manner, novels made up entirely of description and dialogue, with not a glimpse of anybody’s mind in them. Mr Ernest Hemingway has done this, of course,but very much in his own intensely individual manner, which is a fine instrument
for his own purpose but should be avoided by anyone else. No, the kind of objective novel I have in mind would be not unlike the scenario of a talking film, with its alternations of dialogue and description and its frequent changes of locality. With that you could present a wide scene. The modern novel has moved in two directions, inward with the “stream of consciousness” writers, and outward, that is, taking in the largest possible number of people as characters. This extensive method is very characteristic of our time: all these novels about hotels, boarding houses, ships, offices, and so on, that show you quick successive glimpses of the lives of all the people concerned, are examples of this extensive method. Obviously it fulfils some particular need of our own time, and may possibly be a protest against the tendency, inevitable in an elaborate social organization, to turn human beings into abstractions. These novels do not tell you a great deal about anybody, but they do succeed in humanizing, so to speak, what was before merely a part of the social machinery.
They have too, of course, a strong behind-the-scenes interest. I suspect that these novels are easy to do passably well, but hard to turn into literature.
In spite of some failures on my own part, I still cling to the belief I held when I first started writing fiction, that the way of salvation for the contemporary novel, which if it becomes lost in subjectivity ceases to be a novel and yet must have its subjective interests, its drama of the mind and soul, is through some kind of dramatic symbolism, in narratives that would move in more than one world at once. Most of the modern novels
that have excited my deepest interest seem to me to have been symbolical. (Mann’s Magic Mountain is a fairly good example of what I mean, though in places he abandons any pretence of ordinary realistic narrative, and the long debates in the middle chapters are out of key.) But I do not like the kind of story, of which there are several contemporary German examples, in which the narrative of outward events is preposterous in itself and means nothing at all until you understand its symbolism. Thus, suppose you have s story of a man trying to save his house. The house, we will say, is really a symbol of the man’s soul.
But it will not do, I argue, if the story is ridiculous when the house is seen as a house and not as a soul; better to write about the soul and have done with it. No, it ought to be
possible to enjoy the narrative as an account of a man’s adventures with his
house. What you are after, of course, is
the appeal on several different levels at the same time. That is why Don Quixote such is a colossal achievement, and may be regarded as
the pattern of all fiction. I will
confess, here and now, that this is what I have always been after in novels,
and I will also confess that I have never succeeded, though I believe I have
come nearer to success with a small number of readers than most reviewers, who
are usually in too much of a hurry, would allow. Compared with this task, I consider the
ordinary antics of so-called “intellectual” novelists, the “stream of
consciousness” people, the writers who cram in chunks of erudition, the
elaborate hair-splitters, to be so much child’s play; though I will admit at
once that these novelists do what they set out to do more successfully than I
do. Probably, my trouble is that no matter
how carefully I plan, a cheerful and robust common sense, or, if you insist,
downright commonplaceness of outlook, will come in. It seems I have not a distinguished and
fastidious mind; and once I am fairly set in a novel, I begin to enjoy myself,
and the sight of my enjoying myself is apparently not pleasing to people who
really have distinguished and fastidious minds.
So I shall remain a “popular novelist” even when – and this is more than
likely – I have long ceased to be popular.