The automotive radar market was valued above $5B in 2019 and is poised for growth of 11% by 2025, according to the latest radar report from Yole Développement (Yole): Status of the Radar Industry: Players, Applications & Technology Trends. It’s fascinating to see there is still room for innovation in a so-called mature market. 4D radar imaging is the next step in automotive radar that will enhance assisted driving features and will help to enable automated driving. Beside automotive, there is a strong interest in radar-based sensing technology for other market verticals, such as industrial, consumer and even medical. Market opportunities for the 3 segments combined are estimated to reach $4.4B by 2025. In a market with such growth, multiple companies have developed innovative and differentiated products.
One of those is Vayyar, an Israeli based startup company, that has been developing a 4D radar imaging sensor over many years. Initially applied for medical purposes, the sensor has been adapted for automotive and can now be used for in- or out-door car applications, from vital sign monitoring to blind spot detection. This technology has been deeply analyzed by System Plus Consulting, sister company of Yole in a new report: Vayyar VYYR2401 4D UWB Radar Imaging SoC.
For better insight, Cédric Malaquin, Technology & market analyst at Yole, and Stéphane Elisabeth, Cost analyst at System Plus Consulting, interviewed Raviv Melamed, Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder of Vayyar Imaging, to discover the full potential of the 4D imaging Radar Sensor. Indeed, the domain of applications is not restricted to only medical or automotive but could be extended to the consumer world.
Stéphane Elisabeth (SE): Please describe your position and mission at Vayyar to our readers?
RavivMelamed (RM): Hi, I’m Raviv, the CEO andco-founder of Vayyar Imaging. Vayyar started with a vision to develop a moreeffective way of detecting early-stage breast cancer using radio frequencytechnology. As our technology matured, we created additional opportunitiesincluding solutions for senior care, automotive and smart buildings. Our 4Dradar imaging sensors can see through walls & objects and track & mapeverything happening in an environment in real-time. Unlike other products thatrely on cameras and optics, Vayyar’s sensors do not collect any optic data, ensuringusers’ privacy at all times.
Vayyar’s mission is to continue expanding the potential of consumer radar, so we can deliver the next generation of sensing technology that is miniature, affordable and versatile enough to impact everyone’s lives, enabling a safer world.
SE: Could you summarize your company’sactivities since its creation and the product offerings and roadmap you arepursuing now?
RM: Since Vayyar was founded, we’ve successfully completed four funding rounds,raising a total of $189million. Vayyar has launched two generations of RFIC –our first was a UWB imaging radar and our second is a UWB + mmWave imagingradar.
In2016, we released our first consumer product: Walabot DIY, designed to makehome improvement safer and easier.
Oursecond product, Vayyar Home is the world’s first touchless personal emergencyresponse system (PERS) based on 4D radar imaging. Vayyar Home protects seniorsat home or within senior care facilities, providing 24/7 monitoring and instantemergency alerts without the need for cameras, wearables, buttons or cords.Vayyar Home not only prevents falls but also monitors ongoing senior activity patterns,alerting for changes in behavior, indicating deteriorating health patterns.
Inthe automotive domain, Vayyar’s intelligent sensors create holistic safetyopportunities for in-cabin and ADAS, using automotive-grade 4D imaging radartechnology. These sensors providecomprehensive detection in and around the vehicle, while simultaneouslytracking multiple targets and objects. In the cabin, this technology is usedfor Child Presence Detection, enhanced seat belt reminders and otherlife-saving applications. Outside of the car, just 4 Vayyar sensors can replaceup to 14 ADAS sensors, and even facilitate vehicle autonomy.
DuringQ4, we’re launching our Vayyar Element module, the first ever commercialized radarsensor, giving developers and engineers the option to create their own safety,security, healthcare and IoT applications using easily integrated mmWavetechnology.
As the global leader in 4D imaging radar sensors, we’re also active in the retail, robotics, smart buildings, medical and homeland security industries. We develop all of our imaging algorithms for complex signal processing, as well as the SDK and APIs to complement our versatile software-hardware radar platform. Vayyar intends to expand to more verticals, grow our number of partnerships and continue to make 4D imaging radar commercially available and affordable.
CédricMalaquin (CM): At Yole, we have forecast significant growth for an alreadylarge market: +5% CAGR between 2019 and 2025. How do you see the radar industryevolve, from your side? In your opinion, what will be the killer applicationsfor the coming year(s)?
RM: Due to its versatile nature, radar is rapidly expanding into dozens of industries. The fact that the next generation of radar integrates 4D imaging and a large MIMO array helps increase its potential substantially. The resolution of our imaging radars today, combined with traditional radar benefits such as privacy protection and robustness, is already causing high demand in automotive, senior care, smart home, medical, robotics and smart buildings—and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Overall, this technology is ideal for use in many settings because it’s non-ionizing, low-power and energy efficient, allowing for use in the home, workplace, vehicle and public space.
CM: Did the COVID-19 outbreak impactVayyar’s activities? Can you say few words on the effects to our readers?
RM: Despite the challenges every company is facing during COVID-19, Vayyar has beenable to leverage the versatility of the technology in two ways:
Adapting to the new work-from-home reality. Traditionally, we offer a 4D imaging radar evaluation kits (EVKs) for our partners to test and develop applications. Because our EVKs are easy to set-up, integrate and evaluate, our partners are able to continue developing and validating applications from inside their homes, their vehicles and their personal computers. Our sensor solution provides a full-stack hardware-software platform, so both our own team members and our clients are able to seamlessly transition to a home workspace. Our technical customer support team continues to accompany our partners during this time and releases OTA (over-the-air) software updates that allowed partners to continue with their innovation.
Realizing the opportunities 4D imaging radar offers in the face of the pandemic. Vayyar partnered with the Israeli Ministry of Defense, in a pilot to prevent contamination in hospitals at the height of the pandemic. We also partnered with Medisana, the developers of the MediTemi robot, to allow the robot to detect vital signs and track people (and COVID-19 symptoms) in public places. Our latest opportunity is in the smart building domain, where our sensors monitor congestion and enable touchless building operation to reduce contamination. By automating doors, dispensers, elevators, lights and HVAC systems, employees don’t have to touch buttons, switches, door handles, etc.
CM: Vayyar demonstrated the potentialof radar sensing for many market verticals. On which of those markets willVayyar focus first?
RM: Vayyar’s primary focuses are senior care and automotive industries. In seniorcare, we market the world’s first contact-free PERS solution for carefacilities, providing 24/7 monitoring and instant emergency alerts without theneed for cameras, wearables, buttons or cords. Vayyar Home is mounted on a walland automatically detects falls and summons help. The system can also preventfalls through advanced analytics that monitor ongoing senior activity patterns,alerting for changes in behavior, indicating deteriorating health patterns andenabling an early intervention, minimizing hospital care and expensive medicalbills.
In the automotive industry, our priorities are in-cabin safety sensors and life-saving ADAS (uSRR/SRR/MRR) sensors. Vayyar’s in-cabin sensors help prevent the tragedy of hot-car deaths, in which children are killed because they are forgotten in vehicles by parents or caregivers. In 2019, there were 53 hot car deaths in the US alone, with thousands of children worldwide being rescued from locked vehicles in distressed conditions. These tragedies are all preventable, by means of our reliable, accurate and affordable technology. Vayyar’s intelligent sensor is designed to meet Euro NCAP 2022/23 requirements and enables Child Presence Detection (to prevent hot car incidents) even if the infant is covered by a blanket or hidden in a car seat or in the foot well. The mmWave radar-based CPD solution detects passengers in each seat in the car, differentiating between adults and children. Once it identifies that a child is the sole occupant of a vehicle, the driver can be immediately alerted. Because our sensors are multifunctional, the same CPD solution can also provide Seat Belt Reminders, airbag optimization, intruder alerts and more.
Oursensor solutions go beyond the vehicle interior. As more cars occupy the roads,so do more scooters and pedestrians increasing the need for exterior detectionand monitoring capabilities to prevent injuries or deaths. Vayyar’s ADASsensors provide collision avoidance by incorporating cutting edge 4D pointcloud imaging with an ultra-wide field of view both in azimuth and elevation.This enables holistic detection of multiple static and dynamic targets such ascars and pedestrians. The sensors support the following functions: CollisionWarnings (FCW/RCW), Valet Parking (parking assistance), Blind Spot Detection(BSD), Lane Change Assist (LCA), Automatic Emergency Braking (r/f AEB) and 360o Around Vehicle Monitoring (AVM).
Wealso focus on smart building sensors. Vayyar’s smart building platform includesintelligent sensors that map and track people in real time anywhere in thebuilding. With more jobs migrating to the home and paid-for office spaceincreasingly vacant, buildings must work harder to maintain a positiveROI. Vayyar’s new platform delivers afull suite of smart building features that enhance productivity, cost savings,security and Covid-19 safety and hygiene requirements. Since Vayyar sensors donot use cameras, employee and visitor privacy is maintained at all times.
In the retail industry, Vayyar’sintelligent IoT sensors tell retailers what’s really going on in their store,on shelves and in checkout lines. They’ll turn any store into a smart store byproviding insights that increase sales and improve profits. Our sensors monitorhow many shoppers are in the store in real time and how long checkout linesare. This data is used to analyze sales conversion funnels and shopperbehavior. Vayyar’s solution also monitors inventory to improve restock-timesand eliminate lost sales. All theseinsights are delivered through a customizable dashboard, that can monitor KPI’sand create benchmarks. This enables managers to analyze performance on thestore level or compare across the organization.
CM: Could you describe Vayyar’s 4Dradar imaging technology and highlight what makes it unique?
RM: Vayyar’s intelligent sensors can see through surfaces, classify objects andpeople, and track targets within an environment in real time. We’re the onlyimaging radar manufacturer with both a range of 3GHz-81GHz and a substantialMIMO array of up to 72 transceivers.
Partof our mission to make 4D imaging radar an integral part of day-to-day life,involves creating mature solutions that allow our partners to developapplications seamlessly over our platform. Our Radar-on-Chip features anintegrated DSP, MCU and all other analog and digital RF components on one chip,eliminating the need for partners to develop the radar side or to invest extensiveresources on all of the software and hardware behind a fully integrated radarsolution.
Beyondall hardware needs, Vayyar’s solutions include cutting edge 4D image processingalgorithms, full reference designs, generic APIs for application development& evaluation as well as mature applications (in relevant cases). Inaddition, Vayyar offers partners over-the-air software updates even aftersensor deployment, to ensure ongoing innovation and optimization.
Onthe performance level, our proprietary 4D imaging point cloud produces richimages with unprecedented levels of accuracy, and ultra-high resolution, due tothe large MIMO array. We can also reach LIDAR-like resolutions by withmulti-chip solutions that are still more cost-efficient than LIDAR.
Vayyar’ssensors operate effectively in all lighting and weather conditions, whilemaintaining user privacy. They’re miniature, affordable and versatile enough toimpact everyone’s lives, enabling a safer world.
CM: Does it apply to any specific marketsegment?
RM: These advantages apply to all markets. With better resolution, richer data ismade available. This enables a better understanding of the environments thesensor is monitoring, allowing the vehicle, home or device connected to theradar to react accordingly. 4D imaging radar can see through materials and isrobust in all conditions, so its data output doesn’t get compromised as theenvironmental conditions around it change. The environment we live in iscomplex, and requires versatile, reliable technology.
CM: Does it meet cost expectations ofsystem makers?
RM: Yes, on multiple levels such as product, maintenance, deployment anddevelopment costs. Vayyar’s multifunctional radar reduces the number of sensorsneeded for any application and offers more features than any other singletracking sensor. Just one unit can be purposed for multiple differentapplications in stores, vehicles, homes and buildings. Inside a vehicle, aVayyar sensor can enable half a dozen safety applications (Child PresenceDetection, Seat Belt Reminders, Intruder Alerts, airbag deployment, etc),replacing up to seven different safety sensors. Outside the vehicle, fourVayyar sensors can replace fourteen different ADAS sensors, providingmonitoring that is far more reliable and accurate, with more savings. In aretail environment, each Vayyar sensor can be used for shopper analytics,inventory management and storefront traffic monitoring. For homes and smartbuildings, a single Vayyar sensor can detect presence, automate appliances,monitor health and secure a perimeter.
Weoffer an advanced4D imaging radar-on-chipwith the bestprice-performance balance– high resolution and high performance at the price point of traditional 2Dradar sensors. Vayyar provides our partners with an end-to-end imaging radarsolution, complete with analog and digital RF components, MIMOarray, acompact PCB with a fullreference design, advanced algorithms and an SDK withintegratable API. This eliminates the need to develop software, additional hardwareand algorithms, givingpartners a complete application-level system, ready for seamless integration. Byreceiving a full end-to-end solution, our partners save substantial effort,resources and time, while drastically reducing direct and indirect costs. In addition, ourinnovative engagement model enables partners toaccess our massive testing database for use in evaluation and development, ensuring fast development ofmore functions and an even faster time to market.
CM: How about power consumption?
RM: Vayyar sensors consume very little power and transmit even lower power – 1000xweaker than WiFi.
SE: System Plus consulting hasevaluated the cost of the Walabot system. Vayyar’s RF SoC, which features inthis system, represents almost 25% of the overall cost. Could you elaborate onthe added value of the RF SoC with respect to this end system?
RM: The RF SoC is the heart of the device. It includes all the RF components forMiMo radar which, in a discrete implementation, would increase the costdramatically and hurt the ability to cater high end technology for a low cost.Because it’s a full end-to-end solution that includes a powerful DSP and MCU,all complex processing is done internally, and the technology is cost effective.
Bothin the case of the Walabot, and in all our other tracking use-cases, the RF SoCacts as an IoT system that makes any device “aware” of its surroundings. Anappliance can suddenly act as a health monitor or security system. A room can nowmonitor vital signs.
Byadding the RF component to other products, they instantly gain people-trackingcapabilities, while becoming more efficient, automated and multifunctional. People-trackingis becoming increasingly popular in wellness, safety and security, and our RoCenables this functionality without invading privacy and without being affectedby line-of-sight.
SE: Can we expect the same results for60 or 80 GHz radar systems?
RM: Partners can expect an exceptionalRoC-to-system-cost ratio as our chip includes all the needed components to actas a full Radar system. From a development-cost perspective, our mmWavesolutions are also entirely end-to-end (including all RF components, supportinghardware, reference designs, software, algorithms and APIs). This enablespartners to develop applications over radar with minimal resource, time andmoney because they don’t have to focus on anything beyond the applicationdevelopment. The above is relevant both for 60GHz and 80 GHz designs.
After extensive testing and evaluation ofboth our 60 and 80GHz imaging radar solutions, we’ve achieved industry-leadingaccuracy rates for tracking, presence detection and classification across anumber of industries, including automotive, senior care, retail and more. Forsenior care, we’ve tested thousands of fall scenarios to ensure maximumreliability and minimum false alarms. In the automotive domain, we’ve extractedmillions of test samples with adults, children, pets and objects in cars. We’vevalidated our technology under several different conditions such as movingvehicles, large spaces, darkness, smoke, steam, inclement weather and poorvisibility. In both frequencies, the sensor has reliably monitored itssurroundings and provided accurate results, even when it did not have line ofsight with its targets.
SE: It seems that Vayyar is alsoinvestigating the consumer market. Is this as a result of customer demand ?What is the target application ?
RM: Relating radar back to smartphones isa very fair assumption to make. It is clear that in the future we will see highresolution 4D radar imaging embedded into different consumer products such assmartphones, home appliances etc., enabling much more than gesture recognition.
Vayyarhas garnered significant experience with consumer markets through the homeimprovement and senior care markets. Our primary consumer product is in thehome improvement industry. It’s a plug-and-play visual wall scanner calledWalabot DIY that connects to cellphones and uses UWB imaging radar to detectstuds, pipes, wires and movement behind the wall. This helps prevent DIYdisasters such as hitting a wire, bursting a pipe or missing a stud. Customer demand has grown significantly sincethe launch, leading to the development of 3 different generations of thedevice. With each generation, we’ve expanded Walabot DIY’s range of wallcompatibility and operating systems it can be used with.
Oursenior care solution, Walabot Home, was initially marketed to consumers in aneffort to better understand the market and to meet our business partners’needs. Our current strategy is tomitigate channel conflict and to ensure that Vayyar Home is available throughmultiple B2B relationships serving the residential and assisted care homefacilities.
SE: Other devices, such as homeassistants, are very popular. Do you track this, and would you suggest 4Gimaging radar as a new generation HMI ?
RM: You’re correct about the potential for 4D radar imaging in the home assistancedomain. Vayyar Home provides rich data about resident or occupant presence andhealth, enhancing the functionality of existing smart home or office systems.It is continuously aware of how many people there are, their location, andwhether they’re moving, standing, sitting, or lying on the floor. The sensorintegrates seamlessly with smart home systems to turn any home—small or large,old or new—into an intelligent home with all the latest features, includinghome automation, senior care, security, healthcare, and energy efficiencycapabilities. Vayyar Home can also sense and display each person’s vital signs.It monitors activity patterns, breathing and even health problems. For securityapplications, the system protects people and property from intruders.It can interface with security systems and emergency responders to monitor anyhome or office. Given these rich abilities, our sensor can be embedded indifferent home appliances and smart home systems.
Vayyarsensors can also be found in a number of robotic personal assistants, both forsenior care, medical and convenience applications. They’re ideal for consumerrobotics and smart home systems because of their ability to accurately trackpeople while maintaining privacy. If a home assistant or smart appliance needsto know where its human companion is, 4D imaging radar can help the devicetrack its owner within a room or even on a street. Because it’s notoptic-based, this technology doesn’t collect any identifiable data, and worksin all lighting and weather conditions. All of this has the potential to makeit an instrumental component in HMI systems.
SE: Will you develop a machinelearning engine for such advanced features ? Or cooperate with other companies?
RM: Vayyar already has an active machine learning engine. Our senior care solutionengages in a self-learning process upon being installed in a home or facility,in order to map the room and accurately monitor it. Our Child PresenceDetection functionality is constantly trained and enhanced by the database ofsamples we’ve collected, to ensure outstanding accuracy. We combine classicsignal processing algorithms with a neural network to facilitate this.
SE: Would you like to add some finalwords for our readers?
RM: We’re excited about the potential that 4D imaging radar has on everyday life – in homes, offices, stores, public spaces, mobility settings and the medical sector. Our mission is to continue expanding the potential of consumer radar, so we can deliver the next generation of sensing technology that is miniature, affordable and versatile enough to impact everyone’s lives.
Raviv Melamed is CEO and Co-Founder of Vayyar. Prior to founding Vayyar, Raviv was vice-president of the Intel Architecture Group and general manager of Intel’s Worldwide Mobile Wireless Group. Raviv joined Intel in 2004 as part of Intel’s acquisition of Envara, a fabless semi-conductor company based in Israel, where he served as vice president of R&D. Prior to this he held several roles in the Israel Defense Force in the field of large-scale radar and communication projects. Raviv holds a BSc. and MSc. in Electrical Engineering from Ben-Gurion University, Israel.
As a Technology & Market Analyst, specialized in RF devices & technologies within the Power & Wireless division at Yole Développement (Yole), Cédric Malaquin is involved in the development of technology & market reports as well as the production of custom consulting projects. Prior his mission at Yole, Cédric first served Soitec as a process integration engineer during 9 years, then as an electrical characterization engineer during 6 years. He deeply contributed to FDSOI and RFSOI products characterization. He has also authored or co-authored three patents and five international publications in the semiconductor field. Cédric graduated from Polytech Lille in France with an engineering degree in microelectronics and material sciences.
Dr. Stéphane Elisabeth has joined System Plus Consulting’s team in 2016. He has a deep knowledge of Materials characterizations and Electronics systems. He holds an Engineering Degree in Electronics and Numerical Technology, and a PhD in Materials for Microelectronics.