孫 安,字戒逸 ,又名思危,號太行山人, 37年生于河北淶源。60年畢業(yè)于天津美院留校任教,64年結(jié)業(yè)于中央美術(shù)中國畫系?,F(xiàn)為河北師大美院副教授。北京人民畫院院士。中國藝術(shù)名家研究院常務(wù)理事,榮譽院士。中國藝術(shù)學(xué)會常委。人民美術(shù)出版社高級顧問。國際文藝界聯(lián)合會主席團成員,英格蘭皇家藝術(shù)基金會學(xué)術(shù)顧問等。長期從事中國畫教學(xué)與創(chuàng)作。主攻人物山水。受教于蔣兆和,葉淺予,孫其峰諸先生。其作品樸實生動,注重傳統(tǒng)筆墨及形,神,意,趣的追求,其豐富的生活歷練,和強烈的人文精神,以及濃厚的情感內(nèi)涵,賦予作品以獨特的地域特色和時代風(fēng)貌。在海內(nèi)外重要展賽中多次獲大獎。享有 “德藝雙馨優(yōu)秀藝術(shù)家”“中國文藝終身成就藝術(shù)家”“中國文藝功勛人物”,“中華文藝復(fù)興貢獻人物”,等榮譽稱號。作品及詞條收入《藝術(shù)大百科全書》 線裝《中國藝術(shù)百年》長卷《中國百年傳世經(jīng)典》及《新中國美術(shù)圖鑒》等多部典籍。
Sun An, also known as Siwei, was born in Lianyuan, Hebei Province in 37 years. He graduated from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts for 60 years and taught in Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. He graduated from the Central Department of Fine Arts and Chinese Painting in 64 years. He is currently an associate professor of Hebei Normal University Academy of Fine Arts. Academician of Beijing People's Academy of Painting. Executive Director and Honorary Academician of Chinese Academy of Artists. Standing Committee of the Chinese Art Society. Senior Consultant of People's Fine Arts Publishing House. He is a member of the Presidium of the International Federation of Arts and Literature and an academic advisor to the Royal Foundation for the Arts of England. He has been engaged in teaching and creating Chinese painting for a long time. Main character landscape. Educated by Jiang Zhaohe, Ye Shaoyu, Mr. Sun Qifeng. His works are simple and vivid, focusing on the pursuit of traditional ink and form, spirit, meaning and interest, his rich life experience, strong humanistic spirit and strong emotional connotation, which endow his works with unique regional characteristics and times. He has won many awards in important exhibitions at home and abroad. He enjoys the honorary titles of 'Excellent Artist of both virtue and art', 'Artist of lifelong achievement of Chinese literature', 'Person of merit in Chinese literature', 'Person of contribution to the Chinese Renaissance'. His works and entries are included in the Encyclopedia of Art, the long volume of 'A Century of Chinese Art', 'A Century of Chinese Art Heritage Classics' and 'New China Art Gallery'.