Hey there! Today we are going to talk about some useful tricks in CSS. Let's begin with…在這篇文章中我們會談論一些有用的 CSS 技巧…
Blend Modes混合模式Not so far Firefox and Safari started to support blend modes right as Photoshop does. It also works in Chrome and Opera but with flags. See an example:
到目前為止,Firefox 和 Safari 已經能和 Photoshop 一樣支持混合模式了,Chrome 和 Opera 也通過帶私有標志(-webkit- & -o-)支持,看一個示例:
You can create different styles. Here's a code of what is going above:
.blend { background: #fff;}.blend img { mix-blend-mode: darken; }
Gradient Borders邊框漸變Novadays you can use gradients even in borders.
It is rather simple to use, just need to set pseudo-elements with lower z-index:
邊框漸變的效果實現很簡單,僅僅只需為偽元素設置更低的 z-index :
.box { margin: 80px 30px; width: 200px; height: 200px; position: relative; background: #fff; float: left;}.box:before { content: ''; z-index: -1; position: absolute; width: 220px; height: 220px; top: -10px; left: -10px; background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, yellow, gold);}
All examples you can find
here. Also
there is approach with background-clip and background-origin. Someday in the bright future border-image property will be supported by all browsers and solution for this will look as follow:
另一種方法是通過 background-clip 和 background-origin 來實現。在未來的某一天,border-image 會被所有瀏覽器支持,其提供的邊框漸變方式可能如下:
.box { border-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #000000 0%, #FFFFFF 100%); border-image-slice: 1; /* set internal offset */}
Transition for z-indexz-index 過渡You may didn't know but z-index supports transitions too! It doesn't change it's value on each step so you think that it doesn't have a transition. But it does!
你可能不知道 z-index 也支持過渡效果!它沒有在每一步改變它的值,所以你認為它沒有過渡效果,但實際上是有的!
currentColorWe can use it to detect the current color so we don't have to define it lots of times.
我們可以使用 currentColor 來檢測元素當前使用的顏色,因而不需要定義 color 很多次。
It can be useful when working with SVG icons which change their color depending on their parents. Usually we do it as follows:
結合 SVG 圖標使用時,currentColor 是很有用的,因為圖標顏色的改變取決于它們的父元素。通常我們是這么做的:
.button { color: black;}.button:hover { color: red;}.button:active { color: green;}.button svg { fill: black;}.button:hover svg { fill: red;}.button:active svg { fill: green;}
使用 currentColor 之后:
svg { fill: currentColor;}.button { color: black; border: 1px solid currentColor;}.button:hover { color: red;}.button:active { color: green;}
a { color: #000;}a:hover { color: #333;}a:active { color: #666;}a:after, a:hover:after, a:active:after { background: currentColor; ...}
Object Fit對象適配Do you remember this moment when you wanted to set background-size for image because it will solve a lot of problems? Now you can use object-fit which is supported by webkit and will be added to Firefox soon.
你還記得通過設置圖片的 background-size 屬性可以解決很多問題的時刻嗎?現在你可以使用 object-fit 了,它已經被 webkit 內核的瀏覽器支持,不久 Firefox 也會支持。
.image__contain { object-fit: contain; } .image__fill { object-fit: fill; }.image__cover { object-fit: cover; }.image__scale-down { object-fit: scale-down;}
Checkbox and Radio Buttons Styles復選框和單選按鈕的樣式讓我們不使用圖片來改變復選框的樣式:
<input type="checkbox" id="check" name="check" /> <label for="check">Checkbox</label>input[type=checkbox] {display: none;}input[type=checkbox] + label:before { content: ""; border: 1px solid #000; font-size: 11px; line-height: 10px; margin: 0 5px 0 0; height: 10px; width: 10px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;}input[type=checkbox]:checked + label:before { content: "\2713";}
As you can see, it works with pseudo-elements and pseudo-selector :checked (IE9+). In the code above we hide original checkbox and show ours instead. When checked, we show a Unicode character using the content.
正如你看到的,需要結合使用偽元素和偽類選擇器 :checked(IE9+)。在上面的代碼中,隱藏了原始的復選框,顯示它的替代元素。當復選框被選中時,通過使用 content 屬性顯示一個 Unicode 字符。
Note that the Unicode character in CSS differs from that in HTML. In CSS the number is specified in hexadecimal notation with trailing slash at the beginning, while in HTML it's decimal and will look like ?.
需要注意的是 Unicode 字符在 CSS 和 HTML 中的表示是不同的。在 CSS 中,數字是被指定為以反斜杠開頭的十六進制方式,而在 HTML 中是形如 ? 的十進制方式。
input[type=checkbox] + label:before { content: "\2713"; color: transparent; transition: color ease .3s;}input[type=checkbox]:checked + label:before { color: #000;
input[type=radio] + label:before { content: "\26AB"; border: 1px solid #000; border-radius: 50%; font-size: 0; transition: font-size ease .3s;}input[type=radio]:checked + label:before { font-size: 10px;
這里 有完整的 Unicode 列表和
示例 代碼。
Counters in CSSCSS 計數器并不是所有人都知道 CSS 可以用于計數:
<ol class="list"> <li>a</li> <li>b</li> <li>c</li></ol> .list { counter-reset: i; //reset conunter}.list > li { counter-increment: i; //counter ID}.list li:after { content: "[" counter(i) "]"; //print the result}
We define a random ID in counter-reset property and it's first value (0 by default). You can set another number in counter-increment. It will define the step of your counter.
For example counter-increment: i 2 will displays only even numbers.
在 counter-reset 屬性中,定義了一個隨機 ID,其默認值是0。你可以在 counter-increment 屬性中定義另外一個數字,作為計數的步長。
例如:counter-increment: i 2 將值顯示偶數。
Advanced CSS CountersCSS 計數器進階利用 CSS 計數器,能統(tǒng)計被用戶選擇的復選框個數:
<div class="languages"> <input id="c" type="checkbox"><label for="c">C</label> <input id="C++" type="checkbox"><label for="C++">C++</label> <input id="C#" type="checkbox"><label for="C#">C#</label> <input id="Java" type="checkbox"><label for="Java">Java</label> <input id="JavaScript" type="checkbox"><label for="JavaScript">JavaScript</label> <input id="
HP" type="checkbox"><label for="
HP</label> <input id="
ython" type="checkbox"><label for="
ython</label> <input id="Ruby" type="checkbox"><label for="Ruby">Ruby</label></div> <p class="total"> Total selected:</p> .languages { counter-reset: characters;}input:checked { counter-increment: characters;}.total:after { content: counter(characters);}
這個示例中,我們會增加 input:checked 的數量并打印出來。
<div class="numbers"> <input id="one" type="checkbox"><label for="one">1</label> <input id="two" type="checkbox"><label for="two">2</label> <input id="three" type="checkbox"><label for="three">3</label> <input id="four" type="checkbox"><label for="four">4</label> <input id="five" type="checkbox"><label for="five">5</label> <input id="one-hundred" type="checkbox"><label for="one-hundred">100</label></div> <p class="sum"> Sum </p> .numbers { counter-reset: sum;}#one:checked { counter-increment: sum 1; }#two:checked { counter-increment: sum 2; }#three:checked { counter-increment: sum 3; }#four:checked { counter-increment: sum 4; }#five:checked { counter-increment: sum 5; }#one-hundred:checked { counter-increment: sum 100; }.sum::after { content: '= ' counter(sum);}
Menu Icon Without Images沒有圖片的菜單圖標還記得你經常使用的漢堡包圖標嗎?
.shadow-icon { position: relative; } .shadow-icon:after { content: ""; position: absolute; left: 0; top: -50px; height: 100%; width: 100%; box-shadow: 0 5px 0 #000, 0 15px 0 #fff, 0 25px 0 #000, 0 35px 0 #fff, 0 45px 0 #000; }
.gradient-icon { background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #000 0%, #000 20%, transparent 20%, transparent 40%, #000 40%, #000 60%, transparent 60%, transparent 80%, #000 80%, #000 100%);}
You can just paste this standard symbol: ? (Unicode: U+2630, HTML: ?). You can adjust it's color or size only so it's not as flexible as other methods.
只需要粘貼圖標的標準符號:?(Unicode: U+2630,HTML: ?),你可以調整它的顏色或大小,但它不如其它方法靈活。
此外,你也可以使用 SVG,icon font 或 borders 集合偽元素的方式來實現。
@SupportsThere's a new expression in CSS called supports. As you can see, it can inspect whether browser supports needed option. Not all of browser support it, but you still can use it for simple checks:
CSS 中有一個被稱為 supports 的新的表達式。正如你看到的,它能檢測瀏覽器是否支持某屬性。雖然并不是所有瀏覽器支持 @support 表達式,但你仍然可以使用它作一些簡單的檢測:
@supports (display: flex) { div { display: flex; }}/*You can check prefixes*/@supports (display: -webkit-flex) or (display: -moz-flex) or (display: flex) { section { display: -webkit-flex; display: -moz-flex; display: flex; float: none; }}
visibility: visible如果你將一個 visibility:visible 的塊元素放在另一個 visibility:hidden 的元素中,會產生什么效果呢?
.hidden { visibility: hidden;}.hidden .visible { visibility: visible;}
demo position: stickyWe've discovered a new feature that now you can create sticky blocks. They will be working the same as fixed blocks but won't hide another blocks. You'd better
see it.
我們發(fā)現了一個新功能,現在你可以創(chuàng)建sticky塊元素了。這和 fixed 塊元素一樣,但不同的是, sticky 塊元素是不會遮擋另一個塊元素的,最好看看
demo現在只有 Mozilla 和 Safari 支持這個屬性,但你可以按照下面的方式使用這個屬性:
.sticky { position: static; position: sticky; top: 0px;}
We will get a sticky block in browsers which support it and a regular block in other programs. It is rather useful for mobile sites where you need to create a movable block which won't substitute others.
如果瀏覽器支持 sticky,則會得到一個 sticky 塊元素,反之會得到一個普通的元素。當你在手機站需要創(chuàng)建一個可以移動的塊元素而不會遮擋其它元素時是非常有用的。
New Dimensions新的尺寸Not so far this world discovered some new ways to describe sizes of different objects. Here are them:
- vw (viewport width) – one percent of browser window's width.
- vh (viewport height) – the same but for height.
- vmin and vmax choose minimal and maximal value between vh and vw.
- vw(視口寬度): 1vw表示瀏覽器窗口寬度的1%
- vh(視口高度): 1vh表示瀏覽器窗口高度的1%
- vmin 和 vmax 表示視口高度和寬度兩者中的最小值或最大值。
The interesting thing is that they all are great supported in most of modern browsers so you can freely use them.
Why do we need them? That's because they make all dimensions simpler. You don't have to specify percentage of parent's element size and any other stuff. Just have a look:
.some-text { font-size: 100vh; line-height: 100vh;}
.blackSquare { background: black; position: fixed; height: 50vh; width: 50vw; left: 25vw; top: 25vh;}
- IE9 會使用vm,而不是vmin
- IOS 7 在使用vh時有一些Bug
- 瀏覽器對vmax的支持并不完全
Text Decorations文本裝飾可以用下面幾行代碼改變被選中文本的顏色:
*::selection { color: #fff; background: #000;}*::-moz-selection { /*Only Firefox still needs a prefix*/ color: #fff; background: #000;}
除了定義 color,還能定義 shadow 和 backgrounds。
Block Scroll on Touch Devices觸摸設備上的塊元素滾動If you have some blocks with inner scroll in them then you have to add not only overflow: scroll / auto but this line also:
在觸摸設備上,如果你有一些塊元素在內部有滾動,則你不僅需要添加 overflow: scroll / auto,還要添加:
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
The thing is that mobile browser sometimes don't work with overflow: scroll property correctly and scroll all the page instead of the needed block. -webkit-overflow-scrolling fix this issue. You can see it by adding this to your own project.
這種情況是有時設置了 overflow: scroll,移動端的瀏覽器會滾動整個頁面而不是在需要的塊元素中滾動。-webkit-overflow-scrolling 修復了這個問題。你可以把它添加到你的項目中看看效果。
Using Hardware Acceleration使用硬件加速Sometimes your animation can to slow down client's computer. You can use acceleration for special block in order to prevent this event:
.block { transform: translateZ(0);}
In statics you won't notice any difference, but browsers will understands that the element should be treated as three-dimensional and will enable acceleration. Until there are no normal support of specifically designed for this property will-change, this method is quite descend.
在靜態(tài)情況下你可以不會注意到差別,但瀏覽器會認為這個元素應該被視為 3D 元素并能夠加速。在屬性 will-change 沒有得到正常支持之前,這種方法是很有用的。
Unicode ClassesUnicode 類現在可以用 Unicode 符號來設置類名:
.? { ...}.? { ...}.? { ...}.★ { ...}.? { ...}
不要在大項目中使用,因為 UTF-8 可能并不被所有計算支持。
Vertical Margines in Percents在垂直 Margins 上使用百分比事實上,垂直縮進是根據父元素的寬而不是高來計算的,我們創(chuàng)建兩個塊元素:
<div class="parent"> <div class="child"></div></div> .parent { height: 400px; width: 200px;}.child { height: 50%; padding-top: 25%; padding-bottom: 25%; width: 100%;}
Margins in Firefox ButtonsFirefox的按鈕的Margins計算對于按鈕的margins計算,Firefox有它自己的方式。
button::-moz-focus-inner, input[type="reset"]::-moz-focus-inner, input[type="button"]::-moz-focus-inner, input[type="submit"]::-moz-focus-inner { border: none; padding:0;}
Color + Border = Border-Color并不是所有人知道,通過定義任何對象的文本顏色,也能定義其邊框色:
input[type="text"] { color: red; border: 1px solid;}
Bonus for Oldies如果你還要支持 IE7 或其他低版本瀏覽器,你可以用一個smile來定義它們的 Hacks,就像這樣:
body {
background: pink;}