我的牙痛死了,我整個嘴巴都痛,我必須去看牙醫(yī)。My tooth really hurts,my whole mouth hurts,I have to go to the dentist.
我要走了,我明天要很早上班。I'm leaving now,I have to work early tomorrow.
言語不是用來傷害別人的,是用來鼓勵別人的。Words are not for hurting other people,words are for encouraging other people.
自信的人從來不會受傷害,他們從一切事物中學習。Confident people never get hurt,they learn from everything.
情況越來越糟糕,我不知道該怎么辦。你能幫幫我嗎?The situation is getting worse and worse,I don't know what to do,can you help me?
有什么需要幫助的,盡管來找我,我永遠在這里。 You can always turn to me for help,I'm always here for you.
那是個完美的解決方案,我相信會管用的。That's a perfect solution,I'm sure it will work.
我能問你一個私人的問題嗎?如果你不想回答也行。Can I ask you a personal question?It's OK if you don't want to answer.
別擔心。別緊張。你做得不錯。Don't worry. Don't be nervous.You're doing fine.
你學的越多,獲得的也越多。這是生活的真理。The more you learn,the more you will earn. This is the truth of life.
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