




“Meatballs again?I hate meatballs!” Henry cried loudly. “I’m not eating this!” Henry’s mum and dad looked at each other. This was the second time this week that Henry had c1. about his dinner.

“We’re going to let you take over dinner time. You can pick the food and cook your meals,”Mum said.“Good. We’re going to eat good food every night!” Henry answered.

The next day, Henry sat down to write the meal p2.’ We’re going to have chicken tonight, and noodlestomorrow, ’ Henry said.

’Are we going to have anything e3.besides chicken?We need to have at least one vegetable for each meal,’ said Mum.

’We can have cabbage,’ Henry said.

After he finished shopping, it was time to make his f4.meal. He believed that this would be his favouritemeal. Sincehe had nevercooked, hisparents were both there to help him.’There’s a lot todo,’ Henrythought,as he looked at the mess in the kitchen. He was usually playing games outside while his parents were making dinner.

Ittookalmosttwohourstocook. Whendinnerwasfinallyfinished,Henrywastiredandh5..Buthewassoexcited—he made dinner!

’Idon’tlikecabbage,’criedSophia, Henry’slittlesister, atthetable. Henryfeltquiteupset. Hehadworkedso hard on dinner, but it was i6.to get everyone happy about every part of every meal!

’I’m sorry. Ididn’tknowthiscouldbesohard,’Henryfeltlikehemightcry.Hebegantor7.howhisparents felt every time at the dinner table.

’It’sOK,Henry. Youworked reallyhard.We’lltakebackdinnerresponsibilities. You’llhavetodoit enoughwhen you’re grown up, ’Dad said.

Henry felt released. He happily finished his dinner and never got angry at dinner table again.

答案:1.complained 2.plan 3.else 4.first 5.hungry 6.impossible 7.realize

Paulwasmylittlebrother, andhewasspecial. Hewasdifferent frommebecausehesatinawheelchair, andhe wasblind. Lots of times when we walked withPaul, otherkids came over and asked us why he was in his chair and why he couldn’t s1.. Theythoughthe wasdifferentbecausehehadhisown schoolbusandhadto gotoaspecialschool. Butthat’snotreally the reason. Paul was different for the things just our family knew about-only we knew the s2. that made him special.

Paul helped me hear small sounds. Every time I was with him, I’d have tobegq3.to hear the flying birds and thetalking treesheheard.Paul helped meexercise. Whenwewent for awalk, we’doftengoup hill. WhenIpushedhischairall theway to the woods atthet4., I was really getting my exercise! Paulh5.ever complained. He went along with whatever the rest of us wanted to do. One time when he had a fever,he got uncomfortable,but he never shouted or fought or asked me to switch the TV channel. Sometimes Paul let me put thingsin, hishand. We played a kind of guessing game. I put different toys there for himtof6.He was always surprised when I let him hold somethingnew.

Paulwasmyfriend. Hecouldn’ttalktomelikemostofmyfriends, andhecouldn’t run outsidetoplay. Buthewasthereforall the peaceful times,and he had the best smile in the world.

Iwasl7.togrow upwithhimashissister. Hehelpedmetorealizethatthereisagoodsidetoeverysituation, if wesimply make the choice to findit.

答案:1. see 2. secret(s)3. quiet 4. top 5. hardly 6. feel 7. lucky

’Olyvia, love is simple.Youdon t have to do much to make someonehappy.’ That was what my mother said to me when I was a child. Over a year ago, I had a chance. My good friend Kaylee told me about her t1. to a small town calledGary,and how it was a life-changingexperience. Imade upmymindtogotheremyself.

WhenItoldmyparents aboutthedecision, theydidn’ta2. at first.TheysaidIdidn’tknowmuchabouttheplace.Theywereworriedthatitwasnots3.for metogothere. Thankfully,afterIexplainedmyplantothemin detail, they saidyes.

When our group arrived in Gary, I noticed how different the town was from where I lived.

Therewerefewstoresorrestaurantsinthetown;mosthadclosed.Soyouwouldbeveryl4.ifyoucouldfindaplacetobuyfoodor drinks.Houseswerebuilt onsmall hills.Manyof themhadbrokendoorsorwindows.Myjobwastohelpthelocalpeopletor5. houses. Theworkdayswerelongandhot,butitwasreallygoodtoseethehousestakingonanewlook day by day.

The children there were also different. They seemed to enjoy every moment in life though they were poor. The smallest things would make these kids happy. I couldn’t find words to describe theiri6.when they received an ice-cream, a ball or even a kiss.Thecommunitywas like abigfamily.Everyonekneweachotherandwastherewhensomeoneneededhelp.

I am so glad that I had this unforgettable experience. I truly learnedthem7.ofwhat mymothersaid.Youdontneedtodomuchtomakeadifferencetoothers’live.

答案:1. trip 2.agree 3. safe 4. lucky 5. repair 6. joy 7. meaning

Tonyis Chinese American.His family members gather together and serve a traditional Chinese meal once a week.Last weekTonyi1.his friend Amy forit.

Tony’sfamilywaspreparingdinnerwhenAmyarrived. The familywascookingvegetableswithhotoil. Thek2.wasfilledwithmanygoodsmells.’ Youcanhelpmesetthetable.’ Tonytoldhis friend. Theygaveeachperson apair of chopsticks,a soup bowl, a soup spoon, and a rice bowl on a plate. ’Where are the forks and knives?’ Amy asked.

’Oh, youwon’tn3.those.’ Tonyexplained.’ Iwillshowyouhow tousechopsticks.Don’tworry.’

Tony’smother put different foods which were unfamiliar to Amy on to big plates.She asked the kids to carry thefood﹣filled plates out to thetable.Amy carried roastduck.It was one of thef4.dishes she recognized.

Amy was a little nervous about eating with chopsticks.Tonygave her instructions on how to doit.Amy finally managedtoholdthechopsticks. Justwhenshepickedupapieceofchickeninherchopsticks, herfingers s5.lostcontrolofthem, andthechickenflewacrossthetable. ItlandedinTony’ssoupwithasplash(飛濺).E6.at the tablesmiled.

Tony’sfatherkindly broughtoutaforkandknife. HehandedthemtoAmy. Amyfeltmorec7.. Sheatetherestofherdinnereasily. Itwasdelicious!

Attheendofthemeal, Amywasgivenafortunecookie(簽語餅干). Shebrokeitopenandreadthesmallnoteinside,’ Ifyoupractice hard, youwilllearnmanythings.’ Amylaughedandsaid,’ ifyouletmetakehomeapairof chopsticks, my fortune may come true!

答案:1. invited 2. kitchen 3. need 4. favourite/favorite 5. suddenly 6. Everyone 7. comfortable

TheYoungPerson’sRail-cardisverypopular inBritainnow.Itgives young peoplethechance tobuyc 1.traintickets acrossthecountry. Justimagine, itcouldtakeyoutofestivals, toseefriends, ortoLondon for a weekend break, at alower price.

Who can apply?

Anyonebetween16 and25yearsof age. Youwillneedto providesomethingtop2.thatyouareunder26. Forthis, onlyyourIDcard, drivinglicence, passportormedical cardwillbeacceptable.

Or, ifyouareanadultstudento3.25 yearsold butreceivingformaleducation, you canalsoapply. Youwillneedtogetyourteacher tosigntheapplicationform(申請表). ’Formaleducation’refers tostudiesofmore than15hoursperweekforatleast20weeksayearincollege.

Then take your completed application form witharecentp4.of yourself, £28 and othermaterialsneeded to any main railway station or student travel office to apply for the card. How to use your rail-card?

Youcanuseitanytime-weekends, holidaysor duringtheweek. Pleaseaskatyour localstationorcontactarailwaytravel agentformorei5..

If a rail-card does not have the user’s name signed, it will be considered invalid(無效的). No one else may useeitheryourrail-cardor anyticketsboughtwithit. Youwillbe requiredtopay thef6.price of the ticketif your are unable to show your own rail-card with the ticket for a check during a journey.

Ticketsatreduced pricesarenotavailableforfirst-classtravels orfortravelsa7., such as to Franceor Germany. Passengerswillbeaskedtobuyregularpriced ticketsiftheywanttousetheseservices.

答案:1. cheap 2. prove 3. over 4. photo 5. information 6. full 7. abroad

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