日月更迭,四季輪回,春回大地,春意盎然。春天,邁著矯健的步伐 攜一縷陽光,帶著旖旎的笑容繾綣而來。春天,仿若情竇初開的花季少女,帶著羞澀的面龐,踏樂蹁躚;春天,仿若久別重逢的故人,與我們重拾昔日 的舊情;春天,仿若久違的甘霖,為干旱的大地灑下春的暖意。
The Sun and the moon change and four seasons cycle 。Spring comes back to the earth and is very much in the air。 Spring is walking in vigorous strides with the sunshine and charming smile to come 。 Spring likes a girl who first awaken of love with shy face and dancing。 Spring likes a long-awaited reunion of old friend who renew old with us 。Spring likes the rain which haven't seen for along time ,shed warmth for the earth。
春天總是使人蘊藉著無限遐想,承載著無數(shù)希冀與夢想揚帆起航。 有夢 的季節(jié) ,一抹艷陽,溫暖了人們沁涼的心扉,照暖了辭冬的大地。春天將夢 想插上翅膀,追隨那一抹艷陽飛向天際,飄向蒼穹。
Spring always makes us imagine and carries countless dreams to sail。In season with dreams, the sunshine warms the cold hearts and warms the earth which left winter。Spring inserts the wings for our dreams ,which flys into the sky and the firmament。
初春時節(jié)雨紛紛,春天的雨露灑在剛發(fā)芽的草地上,仿佛為大地披上了珍珠霞衣,散發(fā)著耀眼的光芒。清晨的陽光為大地送去了暖衣,雨露便戀戀不 舍地揮別了草原。辭冬迎春的日子里,在冰雪消融的細語里諦聽春風的腳 步,在春陽的照耀下打開心靈的窗欞,春雨打濕了干涸的心田。播下春天的 種苗,灑下新的希望,收獲豐碩的果實。春風不經(jīng)意間劃過臉頰,帶走了憂 傷的淚珠,撫慰了心靈的瘡痍,帶著初春的悸動,一如秋水伊人般柔情似水。
It often rains in early spring 。The rain of spring fell in lawn, which seems todress clothes of pearl, and send out bright。The sun of early morning brings clothes for the earth,and rain leaves lawn。In that days of leaving winter and greeting spring , we listen to paces of spring inwhispers of melting snow。 In the sunshine,we open the windows of hearts。Rain wets our dry hearts。Sow seeds of spring,and shed new hopes,and harvest rich gains。 Wind of spring blows face and takes sorrowful tears and solaces wounds of hearts,as if it was a missing pearson with throbbing of early spring 。
Foots tread the earth of spring ,and bathes sunshine of spring ,and feels the breath of spring , and listens to paces of spring 。we embrace closely spring in our arms。